W H E N /
15-18 APRIL 2024
W H E R E /
Teatro Duse
Via Cartoleria 42, Bologna
A B O U T /
The second edition of the CTAO Science Symposium will focus on the new phase of development and growth that the Observatory is undergoing, and its subsequent upcoming scientific impact.
During the Symposium, participants will learn about and discuss the beginning of the construction activities towards the CTAO’s Alpha Configuration, the performance and data access of said layout, and the upcoming Data Challenge.
Additionally, the Symposium will delve into the status of gamma-ray astronomy and beyond, with highlighted results from other instruments and observatories, as well as the big open questions in the field and how to address them. Moreover, the first scientific results with the prototype of the Large-Sized Telescope built in La Palma (Spain), the LST-1, will be presented.
The CTAO Science Symposium will provide significant time for contributed talks, with reserved time for early-career researchers, and will include poster sessions. Renowned speakers will join throughout the week to discuss the CTAO science case and foster synergies, especially within multi-messenger astronomy.

The CTAO Science Symposium aims to become a meeting point for researchers worldwide interested in very high-energy astrophysics, where they can present and discuss the latest advances in the field, as well as to learn more about the progress of the CTAO, both at a technological and scientific level.
Check out the Scientific Agenda on the Programme page, and visit this website regularly for further information on planned activities.